Paracell is an electrochemical cell designed to investigate galvanic corrosion in large flat samples. This cell is used to perform galvanic corrosion tests, electrochemical noise, corrosion of flat samples and coated samples. It can also be used to check chemical reactions in two samples in one environment. The placement of cell and electrodes is such that it makes possible the measurement of electrochemical noise and galvanic corrosion current with zero resistance.
This cylindrical cell is made of Pyrex or acrylic glass with a volume of about 300 cc. Two PTFE plate with a hole in the middle is installed at the two ends of the cell so that the metal sample is exposed to the electrolyte and serves as a working electrode. There is a hole above each PTFE plate for placing the reference electrode, and the PTFE body of the plates prevents short circuit between the working electrode and the counter by insulating the metals.
To start the test, the PTFE and glass holders should be placed in the right place. With tightening the nuts the glass and PTFE plates are sealed. With the help of the sample holder, the sample is fixed in place and an electrical connection is established between the sample and the polarization device. The test fluid is poured through the hole of the reference electrode, and then the reference electrode should be placed in its place. Each sample and electrode is connected to an independent polarization or impedance device and the corrosion test is performed.