- Mirab Sanat Rastin Pars Consulting Engineers CompanyCorrosion testing and materialsMore Details on Corrosion Testing
- Mirab Sanat Rastin Pars Consulting Engineers CompanyCoupons, holders and accessoriesMore Details on Coupons
- Mirab Sanat Rastin Pars Consulting Engineers CompanyTypes of tape-wrapping machinesMore Details on tape-wrapping devices
About us
- Sour Gas Laboratory (HIC & SCC tests):This lab is used to investigation the resistance of materials to hydrogen cracking.
- Tests used to Investigate the behavior of Inhibitors (wheel Test, Rotating Cage, TOL and Jet impingement Test): This equipment is used to evaluate the behavior of inhibitors in declining the corrosion rate in metallic parts.
- General corrosion behavior test (rack test, copper corrosion equipment, high pressure and temperature chamber, cathodic disbanding test device): These equipment’s is used to investigate the general corrosion behavior of materials.
- Paint and coating testing equipment (gouge machine, impact test, cathode dis-bonding machine, bending tests): This equipment is used to evaluate the performance of coatings.
- Corrosion coupons and coupon inserting equipments (Access fitting assembly, different types of corrosion coupons and coupon holders): These equipment’s y are used to install corrosion coupons on the pipeline.
- Tape wrapping machines: These devices are used for tape wrapping of the pipes and are made in two categories, manual and automatic ones.
- Types of dampers and air Louvre: including types of duct dampers (simple and motor), fireproof, duct, damper balance, ventilation and Louvre to control the air flow and ambient light inside the hall.
- Miscellaneous equipment: This equipment includes tracking device, switching power supply, Cu/CuSO4 half cell, abrasion testing equipment, etc., which are used to investigate the corrosion behavior and aging behavior of materials and improve materials resistance.

Experience and Expertise
Mirab Sanat Company, with a capable team of specialists in corrosion, materials engineering and mechanical engineering with a PhD and master degree and a significant history of industrial activity, has the ability to perform specialized services in the field of industrial equipment production.
Effective Teamworking
The organizational culture of Mirab Sanat Company has been established in such a way that work commitment is a priority. Thus, we always try to use the utmost focus and attention in the process of implementing each plan in order to achieve the desired goals.
Customer Satisfaction
Mirab Sanat Company always strives to ensure the satisfaction and loyalty of its customers by providing specialized services in the best possible way.
Corrosion Test Equipment
Coupon Corrosion & Coupon Installation Equipment
(In comparison with other competitors)
Why choose us?
Continued Customer Loyalty
One of the great honors of our company is the constant answering of questions and solving the problems of buyers, even after the warranty and product warranty period. The multiplicity of buyers and continuous purchases indicate this claim.
Commitment to High Quality
The key to the continuity of our company's performance for many years is to have a very high quality as well as have a lower price as compared with other western companies. Our company is committed to guaranteeing the quality of products to customers.
Innovative Design
Many of our products are made for the first time without a history of previous samples in the middle East and with the expertise of experienced specialists of this company. Innovative design from beginning and making the first high quality prototype is our honor.

Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation
Construction of plasma coating equipments in electrolyte environment
Our Customers
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